Mountain Dominion District



2025 Klondike Derby

The Mountain Dominion District will have their Klondike Derby February 21-13, 2025

at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, WV


Registration fee = $20 per Scout, $10 per adult

Camp Friday and/or Saturday night if you wish

A PATCH, Lunch and Dinner on Saturday is included

Register at

Contact for further information

Flyer, schedule and leader's guide are at the link below: 


2025 Klondike Derby Flyer and Leader Guide
Here is the flyer, schedule, description of events and Leader's Guide for the 2025 Klondike Derby at the Summit
2025 Klondike Derby Leader Guide, Seneca[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [972.8 KB]

++++++++++2025 Swim-O-Ree++++++++

Click on the images to enlarge

at Bluefield State University on January 18, 2025


On a blustery winter day (January 18, 2025) the Mountain Dominion District of the Boy Scouts of America hosted the third annual Swim-O-Ree at Bluefield State University. Dozens of Scouts and their families from across several counties in Virginia and West Virgina braved the weather forecast to enjoy a day of pool fun and training.


The day began with a prayer (thank you Frances Deighan) and an overview of the day’s activities (thank you Brian Blankenship). Some Scouts worked on requirements for the Lifesaving Merit Badge and the Swimming Merit Badge. Others completed their Swim Tests that will allow them to “fast forward” directly to the waterfront at Summer Camp this year.


Grownups were not left out - David Emanuel led a group of adults in their Youth Protection Training in a classroom upstairs. It was a great morning of fun, fellowship and learning in the beautiful facility as a cold rain fell outside.


At lunchtime everyone enjoyed a delicious meal of Subway sandwiches with all the trimmings courtesy of the Buckskin Council. Chips, cookies, and drinks were also provided. After lunch Cub Scouts arrived to enjoy some training (thank you Jason Anderson) and fun in the pool.


Our time at the pool came to an end at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon. The merit badge classes continued their training upstairs in the classroom by learning Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and practicing their skills on CPR dummies (thank you Jason and Brian).


 It was a fantastic midwinter break from the snow and cold weather. It is always great to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Scouts and Scouters, and we were especially happy to share this day with our friends from the Senecca District.


So many people were indispensable in making this event such a success. Here is a “shout out” for just a few of them:

Thanks to Brian Blankenship for envisioning this event over three years ago and working to make it happen.

Thanks to our BSA lifeguards, Brian Blankenship and Frances Deighan, for keeping our Scouts safe.

Thanks to our Bluefield State University lifeguard. Jennifer Johnson, for spending the day with us. She had a big day – she came in early to open the pool for us, spent 5 hours overseeing the pool, and then had to work TWO college basketball games immediately after our event! Thank you, Jennifer.

Thanks to Brian Blankenship for leading the Lifesaving merit badge class, and for being “rescued” from drowning dozens of times during the day.

Thanks to Thomas Kozikowski for leading the Swimming merit badge class and for successfully demonstrating his mile swim technique as an example for us all.

Thanks to Jason Anderson for his leadership in the Lifesaving merit badge and for leading the Cup Scout program all afternoon.

Thanks to David Emanuel for generously offering to provide Youth Protection Training to adults.

Thanks to Tim Wallace for paying for the pool rental and helping to pick up lunch.

Thanks to William Fenne for setting up and serving lunch (along with other adults)

Thanks to Sam Bosley and Nick Cumby for registering attendees as they arrived.

Thanks to all the other adult leaders who jumped in and helped out at our Swim-O-Ree and other events.

Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, families and friends who provided transportation and support for our Scouts during this event and throughout their Scout’s time in Scouting.

Thanks to our youth for coming to this event and for being such great examples for their peers at school and in the community.

Click the link below for the WVVA News story: 


+++++++++2024 Merit Badge-O-Ree++++++++

The Badge-O-Ree is at CAMP FREEDOM in Atkins, VA


We had a fantastic Badge-O-Ree at the Freedom Tabernacle Baptist Church facility July 18-20, 2024
17 merit badges were offered during this 72-hour camp. Thanks to our hosts, Troop 93 in Marion, VA, and to all the terrific volunteers who made this happen!
There is nothing like a CAMPING TRIP to break a drought, and we did that! After weeks of no rain, our camp helped to open the skys for some welcome rain and cooler temperatures. The only fatality of the week was our Astronomy Merit Badge since the clouds did not part so no stars were visible. No stars in the sky, but there were plenty of STARS at Camp! Thanks to over three dozen SCOUTS who came from miles around - from Barboursville, WV in the north to Winston-Salem, NC in the south. Eleven Troops were represented, including two Girl Troops.
We camped, we cooked, we learned, and we had fun! We entertained one another with a Campfire Program on Friday evening, we celebrated Christmas in July with a gift exchange and enjoyed ice cream sundaes on Thursday evening, we had a watermelon social one evening, and we even printed our own camo T-shirts. It was great!
We have already begun planning for next year's event. We hope to expand our merit badge offerings to include AVIATION and GOLF. We have tentatively planned for July 10 - 12, 2025 at Camp Freedom in Atkins, VA. Mark your calendars NOW so you can include this great camp in your summer plans. You don't want to miss it!
More photos and an expanded narrative of the event (including the 4 a.m. garbage run!) is in the document at this link:


Badge-O-Ree Wrap up
A description of the events at the 2024 Merit Badge-O-Ree in Atkins, VA
Badge-O-Ree wrap up.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]


The August District Meeting will be held at the Stinson Methodist Church, 800 Oakvale Road, Princeton West Virginia

There will be a ROUNDTABLE at 6:30 followed by the DISTRICT MEETING at 7:15.

Can't join us in person? Join via ZOOM at the link below:


Mountain Dominion District AWARDS DINNER


The AWARDS DINNER was Saturday, March 16, 2024 at Schell Hall in the First United Methodist Church in Princeton, WV (100 Center Street)

See link to map below

Please email me to let me know you are coming, how many in your party,

and what covered dish you will be bringing (to avoid duplication!)

Welcome and "Camp Social" at 5:30 p.m.

Dinner at 6:00 sharp

Awards after dinner.

Please email to "register" your dish


Link to MAP for First United Methodist Church in Princeton



This was a POT LUCK meal!

The DISTRICT will provided the entre (CHICKEN), plates, cups, and napkins


It was a great evening!




Dear Klondike Survivors!

Thank you for attending our first official camp in the post-Camp Roland era. While there will be a bit of a "learning curve" as we find our way through this transition, it was heartening to see all of the good cheer and Scouting spirit on display this weekend. The gloomy weather did not dampen our sprits in the least. Thank you for that!


We even had a vist from the Buckskin Council President, Johnny McGhee, and his wife. Johnny distributed some vintage patches to our Scouts.


Thank you, Troops 1, and 460 for braving the elements to set up your camps in the dark. We enjoyed a relatively mild night on Friday before the light show began Saturday morning (no extra "charge"). The bright flashes of lightening and the rumbles of thunder on the nearly 3000-foot-high Bluestone River Gorge rim provided a hard to ignore alarm clock around 7 a.m. We sheltered in our vehicles until the lightning passed and then began the day with a hearty breakfast.


The temperature ranged between the mid-forties and mid-fifties on Saturday. The weather resembled March and April with all the changes. Heavy downpours followed by brief sunshine, and then more showers. Adult leaders from Troop 1 set up canopies during one period of heavy rain. The rain, of course, stopped once the shelters were up!


After a brief morning gathering, Troop 460 departed for the Pipestem Nature Center while Troop 1 prepared for the day back at camp. Jeff Hajenga gave a master class on bacon and eggs cooking while Scouts engaged in a spirited chess tournament between showers. After lunch Troop 1 headed off to the Nature Center as Troop 460 took advantage of a brief respite from the rain by packing up their tents and equipment.


Speaking of the Nature Center - Thank you so much to Park Ranger Julie for her dynamic and engaging presentation. She demonstrated making char-cloth by the nice, warm fire, and led Scouts on a nature scavenger hunt among other activities. She was great!


After the day's events wrapped up, a group of happy campers retreated to the Lodge at Pipestem for a delicious meal of their signature burgers, lasagna and "slow cooked" meat loaf.

Troop 1 had planned to go on a ten-mile hike on Sunday morning to help some Scouts fulfil some of their advancement requirements, but after consulting the weather map (and wet socks), they decided to postpone the hike until a drier day. They packed up on Sunday morning and vowed to hike another day.


Thanks to everyone at Pipestem State Park for rolling out the red carpet for us. The entire staff was helpful and friendly and made our first foray away from our familiar surroundings a pleasant experience. We plan to return to Pipestem in March to participate in a service project, assisting them in preparing for the upcoming season.


Thanks to all of the Scouts who attended this camp for braving the elements and demonstrating the Scouting spirit by being happy campers. Everyone was cheerful, courteous, kind... well, you get the idea. It would have been so easy to whine and complain, but not a discouraging word was heard all day (as the song goes). You ladies and gentlemen are the best!



Camp Roland may be gone, but Scouting in the Mountain Dominion District continues!






Farewell Lunch at Camp Roland




We had a wonderful day of rememberance at Camp Roland on Saturday, August 12, 2023.

Over 100 folks came from all over to say goodby to our beloved Camp.

Thank you for all the letters, emails, texts and telephone calls. I will update this page as time permits, but let me share one email from a Scout from Troop 21:


I have been debating on making the 5+ hour trip up tomorrow for the final farewell to our beloved Camp Roland. Between the early departure and late return with 3 small children coupled with the emotions the day will bring I just don’t think I’ll be able to make it.
The last time I drove out the gate at Camp Roland, I didn’t know or imagine that it would be the last. I am thankful to have an entire childhood and young adult life full of memories there. From being an annoying tag along with a whistle to Cub Scout Day Camp, to Camporees and Badge-O-Rees, working as a lifeguard for outside groups that came and used the camp and working AWA Staff.
They are all fond, happy memories of some of the greatest times and people in my life. I don’t want to cast a shadow on those memories with a surely short lived day knowing it will truly be my last time there in a place that was so special to me and my dad.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE share photos of tomorrow’s activities and the camp. Also, please share my love and contact information with anyone in attendance who may want it.
The tears are making it difficult to read what I am writing, but in closing I want to say THANK YOU. You have been the absolute life blood in the programs and activities at Camp Roland over the last couple of decades and were such an instrumental part of the core group that kept the camp alive and in our possession for the many years Charleston wanted to sell it. This has been something they have tried to do for decades, but the faithful handful always rose to the occasion to make it stop.
So again, THANK YOU for all you have done for all of us at Camp Roland over the years and for all you have done for our camp. It truly made a difference in countless lives.
Please know that I will be in attendance by heart and spirit and that you all will be in my thoughts and prayers as you bid a fond farewell.
In Sadness and Scouting,
James “Bubby” Belcher
Warsaw, VA 22572


Saturday, August 12, 2023



We will gather one last time at CAMP ROLAND on August 12, 2023. 

  • Flag Ceremony at 11:00 a.m.
  • Potluck Lunch at 1:00 p.m.
  • Unearth the TIME CAPSULE after lunch


Bring a lawn chair, camera, stories of good times at Camp Roland... and a crying towel! 


Help us spread the word: On Saturday, August 12, 2023, a “Farewell to Camp Roland” Lunch will be held at our beloved 90-year-old Camp. An entrée will be provided. Please bring a side dish, dessert, bread, etc. to share. This will be a time for remembrance of all the great times we’ve had at Camp Roland. Bring old photos or mementos of Camp, bring stories of fun times at Camp, be prepared to share your experiences and tell what the Camp has meant to you over the years.


We will have a flag ceremony at 11:00 a.m. followed by a potluck lunch at 1:00 p.m. After lunch we will unearth the time capsule that was buried during the 100th anniversary of Scouting in America. Come enjoy the fellowship of fellow Scouts and Scouters as we bid a fond farewell to Camp Roland.


On August 1, 2023, the Buckskin Council, BSA voted to accept an offer for the sale of Camp Roland in Bland County, Virginia. The Camp has faithfully served thousands of Scouts for over 90 years. It has enjoyed the generous support of the Scouting Community for nearly a century as it trained young men and women to become self-reliant, to work effectively on teams, and to develop leadership skills.


Please call Dan Trent (276) 322-3911, or email to let us know you are coming – we need a head count to help prepare for this final event. Bring your camera, bring a lawn chair, bring your happy memories to Camp Roland for one last visit. Looking forward to seeing you at Camp Roland one more time!



On August 1, 2023, the Buckskin Council, BSA voted to accept an offer for the sale of Camp Roland in Bland County, Virginia. The Camp has faithfully served thousands of Scouts for over 90 years. It has enjoyed the generous support of the Scouting Community for nearly a century as it trained young men and women to become self-reliant, to work effectively on teams, and to develop leadership skills.














July 13-15, 2023



Please click on the 2023 Badge-O-Ree tab at the top of this page for detailed DAY-BY-DAY activities. 


We had an OUTSTANDING work day on Sunday afternoon. Over two dozen folks came out to get Camp Roland ready for the upcoming Merit Badge-O-Ree and the Cub Scout event to follow. The sound of chain saws clearing paths could be heard all around. String trimmers were busy making the shelters, buildings and the whole camp accessible without wading through the tall, tick infested grass. The field was mowed to the manicured look of a lawn. Buildings were cleaned inside and out. The contents of a long idle Troop trailer were excavated and sorted. We even found a Christmas tree and decorated it. It was a FANTASTIC day!


Thank you to all who gave of their time, sweat and equipment. Here is a partial list:

Jeremiah Michalsky, Nathan Michalsky, Bill Fuzia, Jason Hajenga, Jeff, Hajenga, Patric Conner, Brian Conner, Adam Wolfe, Joshua Wolfe, Michael Lester, Landon Lester, Jerry Buchanan, Rufus Vanhoosier, Will Cox, Nathan Montgomery, Blake Blankenship, Brian Blankenship, Landon Palmer, Cody Palmer, Thomas Kozikowski, Matt Dalton, Dale Lloyd, and Dan Trent. I know some folks got away without signing the attendance sheet. Thank you to EVERYONE who helped. Seeing the terrific turnout warmed my heart. You are the best!


REGISTRATION is CLOSED for the Merit Badge-O-Ree


Registration for the 2023 Badge-O-Ree is now CLOSED.

You may still sign up to attend and register for Merit Badge Classes by calling Dan Trent (276) 322-3911) or emailing


Late registration may NOT receive a T-shirt. Our new vendor needs two full weeks to get shirts. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Another update: Trail to First Class will NOT be offered. The instructor has "bowed out" 

We have added Citizenship in Society to the lineup


The program kicks off at 8:15 Thursday morning at the flag pole. Troops are welcome to arrive and set up camp on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

Hope to see you at Camp Roland! Below is a REVISED list of Merit Badge Classes:



REVISED Badge-O-Ree Flyer

           2022 BADGE-O-REE

July 14-17, 2022



We had a fantastic time at the 2022 Merit Badge-O-Ree. It was the "3 B Camp:" We had Big water, a Bear, and BEES!

Bees were the theme for the week as nests were found all over camp.


After a BIG storm on Tuesday evening the water in Wolf Creek was angry. On Wednesday morning it had reached the fire pit areas of Shelters 1 and 2. Thankfully, the sunshine and dry weather allowed the brown water to receede all week and our camp went on without a hitch.


Wednesdany night was cool, and the flag ceremony to open the Camp on Thursday morning went smoothly. Troop 1 raised the Colors, everyone got a copy of their schedules and we were off to a roaring start!


We had quite a diverse list of merit badge classes this year including several "new" ones including Programming, Backpacking and Collections. Many of the "old reliables" were there, as well, including rifle and shotgun shooting, Pioneering, Archery, Golf and Cooking. First AId returned for the first time in several years. Other classes were Automotive Maintenance, Photography, Indian Lore, Public Speaking, Chemistry, Space Exploration, Plumbing, and our most popular class WIlderness Survival. The bees even found their way into the wilderness camps! Thanks to all the merit badge counselors who did an outstanding job of teaching classes - especially our "rookie" counselors: Jeff Hajenga, Brian Blankenship, Justin Hawikns, and Kim Medley. It is a bit of a misnomer to call some of these folks rookies. Kim has taught merit badge classes before, just not at Camp Roland. Brian (Scoutmaster of Troop 1) is also a seasoned teacher - just not at Camp Roland - and Jeff has worked really diligently at our camps in the past helping Scouts on their journey. This year he became an "official" counselor.


The District meeting on Thursday evening went smoothly (and quickly!). It went so fast that we moved our Christmas in July Celebration up by 30 minutes. The gift exchange went quickly, too, thanks to David Emanuel's leadership. The ice cream social that followed was fantastic. Thanks to all who made the first day so memorable.


The days that followed were equally fun and busy. Lots of learning in our small, adult led classes. An outstanding Campfire program hosted by Troop 1 (and a mysterious version of Klondike Dan). Lots of watermellon was consumed Friday evening after the campfire and a good time was had by all.


Saturday was a busy day as everyone finished up their classes. Backpacking folks took a 2 mile hike, space explorers launched their rockets, and wilderness survivalists set up their campsites in the wilderness (on top of bees nests!). I am happy to report that everyone survived the night. Troop 1 led a Sunday morning worship service on Saturday evening and the Scouts did an incredible job - complete with handouts and responsive reading. IT was great.


The entire camp was great. Thank you to the adults who were incredible. Teaching merit badge classes, working around camp, leading by example. We have the best adult leaders in the world and I mean it. Thank you!


Thank you to the Scouts who attended - some after attending 2 other summer camps just before this one! At least one Scout was off to  another camp immediately following the Badge-O-Ree. I cannot tell you how amazing our young men and women are. They work hard, they give their all, they are courteous, kind, friendly... well, you get the idea. On several occasions they turned in "lost" items (including cash) to be reunited with the rightful owners. It was so refreshing to see the honesty and compassion our youth demonstrated. It was quite refreshing. It is easy to get depressed and to feel like we are heading down the "wrong path" as we see headilines and news stories that reflect the worst in people. After spending 72 hours with the Scouts at Camp Roland, I am confident that when they rise to adult leadership positions in the world, the world will be a much better place.

           2022 DISTRICT DINNER

May 7, 2022



The Mountain Dominion District of the Boy Scouts of America held their annual Awards Dinner at the First United Methodist Church in Princeton on May 7, 2022. Several volunteers were recognized for their service to the youth of our surrounding communities.


Mr. Phillip Ball, Mountain Dominion District Chair, received the Silver Beaver Award. The Silver Beaver Award is a council-level distinguished service award recognizing adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council and performing community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service.


Mr. Thomas Kozikowski, Mountain Dominion District Commissioner, received the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award. This is the highest recognition that can be given to a commissioner who has consistently engaged in distinguished and exceptional commissioner service resulting in significant, positive impact to youth, units, and a district and/or council.


Mr. Jason Anderson, Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 1 in Princeton received the District Award of Merit. This award is the highest award that can be given to a Scouter at the District level.  The District Award of Merit is awarded by a District to volunteers who display outstanding service to youth in the District.


Several adult leaders received the BSA Veteran Award that recognizes individual members for tenure in Scouting. Mr. Don Bury of Troop 14 in Bluefield was recognized for 30 years in Scouting. Mrs. Pat Hartley of Troop 14 in Bluefield was recognized for 45 years in Scouting. Mr. David Emanual of Princeton was recognized for 55 years in Scouting. Mr. Charlie Troup of Troop 14 in Bluefield was recognized for an incredible 70 years in Scouting!




           2022 Spring Camporee

April 24, 2022


Camping is coming back!

The Scouting Spirit was alive and well at Camp Roland this weekend. The only thing better than the weather was the fellowship with a terrific group of Scouts. This was a "working weekend" as we opened the camp for the 2022 season. Thanks to EVERYONE who worked so hard to spruce up our camp and get it ready for the summer days ahead.


We had a fantastic weekend of fun. I hate to name names (because I always leave some hard-working folks out) but I've got to recognize Brian Blankenship from Troop 1 who brought a Terr-mite (a mini-dozer/backhoe) and did an outstanding job of clearing ditches beside the road to the rifle range, around the Nature Lodge and stacking logs for our next campfire in the lower camp. Thanks also to Frank Cahoon from Troop 68 for the many hours of hard work fixing plumbing issues, repairing fixtures, tracking down water leaks (and fixing them!), and sacrificing the running board on his truck in the process. Several Troops extend their thanks to William Fenne (Troop 68) and his magic chain saw for opening access to the creek at several of the shelters. His work paid off immediately, as a group of Scouts discovered the beauty of Wolf Creek "up close and personal" immediately after the brush was cleared. Thank you Thomas Kozikowski and Troop 460 for making and bringing signs to help navigate our beautiful camp. Thomas and his Scouts "planted" the signs at many locations around Camp all weekend. Thomas also hauled several loads of... "excess" from the Dining Hall. Thanks Jeff Hajenga and crew from Troop 1 for countless "odd jobs" all day (and part of the night!). Wheel barrow wheels were inflated (and put to use!), small engines were brought to life (or will be soon when the parts arrive), and a runaway door at the McGann Building was captured and rehung after the Campfire Program.


Speaking of the Campfire Program, Scouts from Troop 1 did an outstanding job of developing and presenting a wonderful "show." The girls from Troop 460 led off the program by getting the audience to sing about the tales of Fred the Moose. It was a lot of fun. The program ended on a somber note (as it should) as the playing of Taps echoed through the dark forest to end the day.


Okay, that may not have been the end of the day. Around 11:30 Saturday night there was some kind of "ruckus" north of the field. One Scoutmaster described it as a "death squall" as he imagined some critter meeting its end at the hands of another. Another Scouter thought the sound was more like an animal "hacking up" its supper. Either way, it was an interesting sound in the moonlight.


Interesting sounds woke the camp early Saturday morning. We don't have a rooster, but we did have a noisy turkey making its presence know about daylight. Campers who were able to hit the "snooze" button after that may have heard some geese honking their morning greeting. This was just before Klondike Dan honked his morning greeting at the flagpole (Goooooood Morning Camp Roland!). Troop 1 posted the colors and Scouts were provided with a brief description of the days events. Several activities were available to everyone including service to Camp Roland - helping the adults to open camp. Everyone did a great job at this chore! Some Scouts built a fire using tinder, kindling and wood gathered in the woods to build a fire hot enough to burn through a string suspended above. After they got their fire built up, the cooked a pancake and egg sandwich (an egg sandwiched between two pancakes). The found that it wasn't easy to cook over an open flame with a cast iron skillet. At least one Scoutmaster discovered that it wasn't easy to EAT a pancake and egg sandwiched cooked in an iron skillet - "tastes like oil!" The explanation was that the first batch stuck to the skillet so more vegetable oil was needed. Fun and learning - and Pepto Bismal!


Jeffrey Stewart, Scoutmaster of Troop 316 taught his entire Troop how to use a compass to orient a map, measure distances and more! He also led his Scouts in knot tying and helped with orienting the Troop to the outdoors.


The weather was fantastic. Warm DRY days and cool nights under the clear sky with thousands of stars on display. The half moon above Moon Gap illuminated the field all night giving way to a light fog mixed with smoke from the campfires in the morning. There is nothing like the smell of bacon, eggs, and sausage cooked in the outdoors. Well, there is the TASTE of those things, too. Several Troops were more creative with breakfast. One Troop who packed up early on Sunday morning enjoyed doughnuts for breakfast.


Sunday morning provided another heart lifting example of the hope we have in the future and the confidence and trust we have in our Scouts who will be our leaders soon. The entire camp gathered at Shelter 1 for an interfaith service led by two of our Scouts. They had a printed program for everyone. There was Scripture reading, an invocation, responsive reading, and the Wood Badge Prayer. We even sang America the Beautiful before the benediction. It was a wonderful service and provided an uplifting end to our time together.


So many examples of "doing for others," service and helping out - too many to mention. All the while being cheerful! This was a very happy group and a great weekend. It was quite refreshing to see people working together so well and enjoying one another's company. Like I said, the Scouting Spirit was on full display at Camp Roland this weekend!


           2021 Awesome August Council Camp

August 20-22, 2021


The Camp was... well - AWESOME!

Check out the Awesome August Council Camp page for the latest info.


           2021 SPRING Camporee at Camp Roland

May 22, 2021


We had a GREAT Spring Camporee!

Scouts from across Virginia and West Virginia converged on beautiful Camp Roland for our first Scouts BSA camp in a year and a half. Two different Councils were represented and there was a strong contingent of Cub Scouts in attendance. Statistically speaking, there were twice as many Troops from the Virginia side than West Virginia - but West Virginia registered twice as many Scouts and Cub Scouts. One registered Troop had one adult for every Scout in attendance (a one to one ratio!). Two thirds of the Troops camped on Friday and Saturday nights. The weather was great it was so good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine once again. Thanks to everyone who made this another great camp!


For lunch, the entire camp turned out for a surprise birthday gathering for long time Scouter Charle Troup. Instead of a cake, we presented Charlie with a birthday dessert pizza from Pizza Plus. Charlie has been involved in Scouting for an astonishing 72 years! He began as a Cub Scout, advanced to the rank of Eagle, served as a professional Scouter, and has spend many years as a volunteer at the waterfront and, most recently, as a member of the Trail to First Class staff at our Merit Badge-O-Ree. Happy birthday Charlie!


We had an unwanted visitor to Camp after the Camporee. A BEAR has been using the dumpster as a personal buffet. The bear has managed to overcome the "bearproof" dumpster features to leave a big mess. Marty and Connie have devised a possible solution to the issue. When you use the dumpster at Camp you will notice carabiners "locking" the doors locking the doors closed. Please be sure to securely close and lock the doors to the dumpster when you make your deposit so the bear will be unable to make and unauthorized withdrawal. Thanks to Marty and Connie for going above and beyond in cleaning up the bear mess.




Plans are well under way for the 2021 Merit Badge-O-Ree in July. Please let me know if you plan to teach a merit badge class ASAP!



                    Happy Hike from Camp Roland

June 19, 2021


Join us for a day of HIKING on June 18th!


We will depart from Camp Roland hiking to the WOLF CREEK TRAIL in the Jefferson National Forest. We will leave the Wolf Creek Trail and proceed along the CORKSCREW TRAIL as it climbs Round Mountain.


Two options are available: One will be a 5-mile hike (good for checking off requirements in your Scouts BSA Handbood!). For heartier souls we will go all the way to the top of the mountain for a 10-mile hike. It should take about 3 hours to compete the 5 mile hike (including a lunch break) and 5-6  hours for the 10-mile adventure.


Register at Watch the 2-minute video for a list of items to bring with you (and thngs NOT to bring!)


This will be a great day of fun. Call or email with any questions (276) 322-3911 or



                          WORKDAY at Camp Roland

May 8, 2021


We had a very successful workday at Camp Roland!


Thanks to everyone who pitched in to get things spurced up and ready.


Thanks to Hooger Fisher for bringing the most important tool of the day - an electric auger that we put to good use in the Dining Hall. The drains are running smootly now (first time in at least 3 years). Hooger also spent some quality time in the bath house mopping floors and really going the extra mile. Frank Cahoon was instrumental in raiding the greace interceptor and other plumbing issues (Frank turned on the water two weeks ago with the help of Bill Hanks and David Emanuel). Bill and Dave were there again on Saturday working away, Jerry Buchanan and Rufus VanHoosier were also at Camp cleaning up. They worked in the storage building and raking leaves around some of the lodges and campfire area. They have also invested several hours in maintaining the tracrtor this spring. Marty and Connie Allen got busy in the afternoon with a Scout and his father from Galax. They went around the perimeter of the field picing up several loads of downed tree branches. Thomas Kozikowi and a contingent of Scouts and adults from Troop 460 came to work on the nature trail and prepare for the Cub Scout Fun Day. Our old friend Walter Shroyer came with his weed trimmer and ax and cleared brush from trees at the Camp entrance (my new campsite!).Moss was removed from the roof of the Dining Hall, gutters were cleaned, and a leak was patched. Overall, it was a huge day!

It takes commitment from many people to keep our Camp running and looking good. Thanks to all who help!



                  2021 Schedule (YES! We have one!)

2021 Season


Scheduled events at Camp Roland:
  • June 19 - Mountain Dominion District HAPPY HIKE beginning at Camp Roland
  • June 23-25 - Cub Scout Twilight Camp at Camp Roland
  • July 15-17 - Scouts BSA Merit Badge-O-Ree at Camp Roland - please register to teach a merit badge ASAP!
  • July 31 - Cub Scout FUN DAY at Camp Roland
  • August 20-22 - Combined Cub Scouts/Scouts BSA Family Camp at Camp Roland
Looking forward to seeing you all summer long at Camp Roland!